October 21, 2015

André House strives to be…

A ministry of hospitality …

We do not have clients; we have guests. As much as possible we greet our guests by name. We serve anyone who comes without judgment. We do not try to change people. We welcome people as they are while encouraging positive changes.

A ministry of love …

We believe in the dignity of every person. Each person is created in the image and likeness of God and a member of the Body of Christ. All people have inherent dignity and have the right to their basic needs of food, clothing, and shelter.

A ministry of presence …

As the Core Staff works to serve our guests, we try to not just give handouts but also form relationships. This entails learning their names, their stories, and becoming part of their lives.

A ministry to each other (community)…

We live in intentional community. Through the blessings and stressors of life and ministry, we support one another and journey together.  We end each day be eating dinner together and sharing the stories of the day.

A ministry rooted in faith …

We pray together daily. We start each day with Mass. We break in the middle of the day for a noonday prayer. We pray before each meal. Our ministry is rooted in the Gospel message of loving thy neighbor.

A ministry with rhythm and accountability …

We have a set schedule of services each day. We find that the rhythm and hours of service allows us to create an expectation among ourselves and among our guests. It creates an atmosphere when guests can expect us to say “yes.”

A ministry of providence …

We rely on the providence of God for financial and physical wellbeing. We do not accept any government funding. Only through the donations of our benefactors are we able to serve our guests.

A ministry to which we invite others . . .

We are a ministry of the community with well over a thousand people helping us each year, mostly on the soupline. True works of hospitality and love are shared with others.

A ministry of simplicity …

We believe simple living frees us from non-essential material concerns. Simple living brings us to a greater degree of solidarity with the people who are poor whom we serve. We value our relationships and actions more than our material goods.

A ministry of trust, respect, and nonviolence…

We have great respect for our guests and trust that they to have respect for us.  When problems arise, the staff patiently, calmly, and always nonviolently tries to subdue to situation.

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