October 5, 2015

Our Stories

One of the many blessings of André House is that each night after the work day is done the Staff and guests who live at the transitional house sit down together and share a meal. As we break bread together we share the stories of our day. This could be good news about a guest obtaining a job or a staff member receiving a care package. Often we share the funny moments, moments that leave us baffled, and other events of our day.

Life and ministry at André House naturally leads itself to stories. We are privileged to hear the stories of our guests and to share in their struggles and successes.  There is no way to accurately capture the joy, wisdom, sadness, and humor that we encounter each day at the Hospitality Center.

Hopefully the following pictures, videos, blog, and newsletters will give you just a little glimpse into life at André House, but we hope that you will be able to come down and see it yourself.

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