October 18, 2018


Donor-Advised Funds

A donor-advised fund is a charitable giving program managed by a nonprofit institution or charitable foundation created for the purpose of managing
charitable gifts on behalf of donors.

For more information about setting up a donor advised fund, please contact your financial advisor.

What Are the Advantages of a Donor-Advised Fund?

  • Your gifts to your donor advised fund entitle you to an immediate income tax deduction at the time of contribution.
  • You avoid capital gains tax on appreciated assets you place in your donor advised fund.
  • Your fund’s investment gains accumulate tax free.
  • Funds are distributed to Andre House in your name and immediately put to use to support our mission

How Does It Work?

  • You contribute assets such as cash, stocks or bonds to a donor advised fund established in your name and managed by a sponsoring organization
    (like Catholic Community Foundation, Vanguard Charitable or Schwab Charitable).
  • The sponsoring organization reinvests your gift as you direct.
  • The sponsoring organization makes distributions from your fund to charities you recommend, such as Andre House.