André House is 100% privately funded by the generosity of many individuals, churches, corporations and other groups. Andre House is a Section 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization to whom charitable contributions are eligible for deduction from federal income taxes under the Internal Revenue Code. Our EIN is 86-0717841. Contributions to Andre House also qualify for the AZ tax credit for contributions made to qualifying charitable organizations (QCO’s). Our QCO number needed to take the AZ tax credit is 20467.
The Arizona Charitable Tax Credit to Qualifying Charitable Organizations (QCO’s) is $421 for single individuals and $841 for married couples. Andre House’s QCO number is 20467. Your donation to Andre House will help support those in need and at the same time reduce your AZ tax liability dollar for dollar.
Do you have adult clothing, blankets, toiletries or other donations to drop off? Please bring donations to the Hospitality Center located at:
213 S. 11th Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85007
We are on the northeast corner of 11th Ave and Jackson. Our parking lot is on the north side of Jackson. For further navigation assistance look at Maps and Directions.
Monday thru Thursday: 10:30am – Noon & 1:30pm – 4:00pm
Friday: Closed
Saturday & Sunday: 1:30pm – 4:00pm
For more information about donating in kind items contact Taylor.
Thank you for making our ministry possible!